Two women in a lively conversation

Influence with Integrity

From Stuck in Burnout to Freedom to Thrive

A coaching program to help mission-driven women working to make a difference in the world. Make the shift from feeling stuck and depleted to finding your agency and feeling energized and fulfilled in your work to fully contribute your gifts to those you serve.

Do you…

  • struggle to effectively express your needs and boundaries in your workplace?
  • give to the point of burnout but feel unseen and unappreciated?
  • feel unmotivated and uninspired doing work you used to love?
  • feel guilty about your quality of work because the people you serve deserve better?
  • long for opportunities to grow your potential that just don’t arrive?
  • feel stuck and unable to change the situation

Through one-on-one coaching sessions using the Woman-Centered Coaching method developed by Dr. Claire Zammit, you will:

  • Identify and overcome the obstacles that are blocking your influence
  • Express your needs and boundaries in grounded and powerful ways
  • Become seen, heard and valued
  • Prioritize your own well-being without guilt
  • Develop more self confidence
  • Feel more empowered in your relationships
  • Experience fulfillment and creativity in your work
  • Regain the energy to move towards realizing your dreams

What’s included in the program:
3 months of weekly 1-hour one-on-one coaching sessions.

Does this speak to you? Want to know more?
Schedule a free discovery call now with Daniela here or connect via email at

Connect with Daniela


